2017 July

  • Why the hot-desk open space offices aren’t a great idea

    A quick online search search shows hundreds of publications on how open office space is synonymous with the spread of disease and ceaseless distractions. Designed to foster collaboration, it is now more often associated with the decrease in productivity and employee well-being and the increase in the number of sick days workers take. But regardless […]

  • Five website localisation traps you should avoid

    “Let’s go multilingual! Let’s capture the attention of users worldwide!” – with these or similar plans in mind many companies set off for their website localisation journey. What may sound fascinating and look promising at first, may sooner or later turn into a challenging endeavour, if you get caught into a localisation trap. To make […]

  • Why do we hate Mondays?

    We all know that feeling – there is that one day of the week when the sound of the alarm clock is particularly irritating… We get ourselves a big cup of coffee, a bit stronger than on other days, only to start our day browsing through social media and seeing memes of even bigger and […]


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